Thursday, February 2, 2012

Simplicity. I mean it this time!

Take two.

How about 80's? I'm thinking exaggerated 80's... shiny, purple, and with a very high top...

I was not kidding! 

Okay, so, simple. 

I love Jolt jeans. They are so comfortable! I wear my purple ones twice as much as I thought I could. I'm obsessed.

For the shirt I'm think pretty simple, but not just solid black. Maybe I'll get a little crazy.

Yes, I just lost my mind. 

Now for a bag or something... I really want a color/craziness overload!

I did it! I'm so proud! I mixed fushia with purple! I've always wanted to do that! Oh happy day! And I'm so jealous of whoever has this purse. I love Marc Jacobs little purses. Especially in bright, vibrant colors. And, hello, there's a birdy on it. How perfect. 

Also, I accomplished another achievement. I styled an outfit with high tops in under 30 minutes! New record! Happy IMOS!!!!!!!

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