Friday, February 17, 2012

An Early Late Valentine's Day Present

Hi guys! Happy International Month of shoes!!! I hope it's amazing so far! I know mine has been!

So every year, my brother and I get a small Valentine's Day present. And I had a dress rehearsal on Tuesday. We were finishing alterations, practicing the upside-down French braid and bun, and working on rhinestoning my costumes. You couldn't even tell it was Valentine's Day. So we "postponed" it. It's tomorrow in my family! Anyway, my point is, I found a plastic bag that contained the March edition of People Style Watch! I casually asked my mom about it, and she explained that it was part of my Valentine's gift! So naturally, I begged her to let me read it early, since it was actually the real Valentine's Day, and she gave in. So I got an Early Late Valentine's Day gift. And I've read it at least twice. Or more.

And of course, the shoes of the day are from People Style Watch.

Wow I love that print! I love the Aztec/Navajo/tribal look! 

And because I'm kind of on the wild side today, I'm going to take you on a safari. With the Aztecs.

I've never loved shirtdresses. I liked them and appreciated them, but never saw one worth buying. Until I saw this one. Actually, I'm lying. I wouldn't buy this, but I love it. Mainly the color. Color makes everything better. Color and chocolate. 

I could stop here, or give you a few other things to add. I choose the latter. I won't leave you hanging. But I saw the shoes, and what I'm about to show you all on the same page of People Style Watch. I get excited about the little things!

I don't know why, but I checked Google Images first. And I saw exactly what I wanted. But then I checked Olivia + Joy, and all I saw was this!

Depressing! I don't know what happened, but I think the first one is so spectacular! I love it! 

Prepare for whimsy. Don't say I didn't warn you.

And there it is, folks. Actually, the one I saw in People Style Watch was teal with an orange head, but oh well. If they have it, they have it. 

Happy Friday!

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