Friday, March 9, 2012

Once Upon a Time, There was a Horse and a Bandana...

Spring is finally here! After a seemingly never-ending, one month winter, spring is here! It's no longer IMOS, so until I figure out what my posts will be like on this little blog of mine, here's an outfit I love for spring. It's fresh, simple, and fun. 

This shirt was definitely my inspiration for today.

Is that not amazing? It's like a bandana!

And it needs some chinos.

And of course, you need extras. I think this requires a little necklace, shoes (duh!), and a headband.

Everyone needs a tiny horse charm. And without realizing it, I picked a horse to go a with a bandana shirt! Sheer genius, I tell you. Sheer genius. 

Shoes. Sometimes people overcomplicate things. If you are wearing a horse necklace, you can't rock "complicated". It's impossible. So I want flat shoes, preferably leather. 

And a headband. This is important. It's the difference between a regular outfit and something memorable. And let's face it. If your wearing a horse necklace, why not be memorable?

I love rosettes. They add an innocent girliness to everything. And white is outstanding on dark hair. 

I would love to wear this outfit. It's how I dress in the summer. But now, it's still cool enough for jeans (on some days). I'm so excited to break my hot pink shorts! For now, here's my latest purchase:

In the picture, it looks navy, but in reality, it's a gorgeous shade of indigo! I'm obsessed!

Any new purchases lately? I know there's so much out there right now! I'm loving the bright, the bold, and the beautiful! What colors are you guys wearing? And how about that fabulous horse charm necklace? It's less than $5!